Purani Jeans is a 2014 Bollywood coming-of-age drama directed by Tanushri Chattrji Bassu, the film stars Tanuj Virwani, Aditya Seal and Izabelle Leite in lead roles. The film is based on the belief that “friendship is like a pair of old jeans- the older it gets, the better it becomes”, and tells the story of young boy who returns to his hometown and reconnects with his old friends. Ram Sampath has scored the film’s music. The first look of the film was revealed on March 8th, 2014, ahead of film's release on May 2, 2014.
Cast:Tanuj Virwani as Sidharth Ray "Sid"
Aditya Seal as Samuel Joseph Lawrence "Sam"
Izabelle Leite as Nayantara Sapru
Param Baidwaan as Bal Singh Shekawat "Bobby"
Raghav Raj Kakker as Susheel Sharma "Suzy"
Kashyap kapoor as Tejinder Singh Kathuria "Tino"
Sarika as Sherry Joseph (Sam's Mother)
Rati Agnihotri as Siddarth's Mother
Swati Pansare as Susheel's Mother
Manoj Pahwa
Rajit Kapur
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