Bobby Jasoos ("Bobby Detective") is a 2014 Indian comedy-drama film directed by Samar Shaikh and produced by Dia Mirza and Sahil Sangha. The film stars Vidya Balan and features Ali Fazal, Supriya Pathak, Rajendra Gupta and Tanvi Azmi in supporting roles. It tells the story of Bilkis "Bobby" Ahmed, a Hyderabadi woman who aspires to be a detective despite facing a series of obstacles.
Cast:Vidya Balan as Bilkis Ahmed/Bobby
Ali Fazal as Tasawur
Kunjan Luthra as Sunita
Vinay Varma as Tasawur's Father
Gangadhar Panday as Naeem
Anupriya Goenka as Afreen
Arjan Bajwa as Lala
Supriya Pathak as Ammi
Tanvi Azmi as Kausar Khaala
Benaf Dadachandji as Noor
Prasad Barve as Shetty
Aakash Dahiya as Munna
Zarina Wahab as Afreen's Ammi
Rajendra Gupta as Abba
Kiran Kumar as Anees Khan
Raina Rao
Tejas Mahajan as Sohail
Sundeep Hemnaoni as Arif
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